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Fri Jun 16th, 2023 @ 5:12am

President Jasmine Haynes

Name Jasmine Nicole Haynes II

Position President

Rank President

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 28

Physical Appearance

Height 5'6
Weight 130
Hair Color Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Jasmine is average height with a slender build. She has deep blue eyes that sparkle against her strawberry blonde hair. She is a fairly attractive lady. She spends a lot of free time in the gym, working on her body tone. She has no scars or tatoo’s.


Spouse Dating: Ryan Walsh
Children NA
Father Vincent Thomas Haynes
Mother Jasmine Nicole Haynes
Brother(s) Michael Erick Haynes
Sister(s) Alicia Jo Haynes
Other Family NA

Personality & Traits

General Overview Jasmine is a very reserved person. She has a very tactically keen mind. She has a hard time making friends, but she finds clever ways of difficult situations. She is very dedicated to her duty to starfleet. Jasmine has a very dry sense of humor that has earned her the nickname of “Ice Queen.”
Strengths & Weaknesses Jasmine tends to be quiet when she feels uncomfortable, but typically she tries her best to like everyone. But her personality makes it a challenge for her to adapt to situations. Which makes it challenging to become friends with the crew. Jasmine has a has a strong moral compass. She joined starfleet to help ensure the universe was staying true to its own fabricated moral compass. There is a line, she will not cross and when hits that line, she becomes defensive and will keep people at arms length.

Jasmine is very confident, she comes from a starfleet family. She tends to think she is born to be a starfleet officer, it's in her blood and sometimes it can rub people the wrong way, however she is aware of this fault and tries never to make anyone feel unwelcome.

Jasmine has a band of brothers mentality, no one expandable. Starfleet is one happy family and she would defend anyone in starfleet. She believes in starfleet and its mission.
Ambitions To survive mentally and phyiscally her ordeal as the President.
Hobbies & Interests Sports: Dancing, Swimming and Martial Arts.

Water Sports: Rafting, Canoeing and Kayaking.

Outdoor Sports: Camping, Backpacking, Hiking and Skydiving.

Non Sports: Painting and Volunteering

Jasmine has a love for 21st century music, literature and movies. Jasmine is interested in men, but she almost swore off men, after encountering Patton. He was to emotional for her. He seemed a bit impulsive and borderline harassing. She could not handle his personality at all. Luckily for Jasmine she met Ryan Walsh, when she joined President’s Gruzzy’s cabinet. Jasmine loves to collect nick knacks from planets they visit, when she was in Starfleet. Now she is looking for a new way to gather those nicknacks.

Personal History The Early Years:

Jasmine is very close to her sister and brother, along with her parents. They have a pretty open dialogue and a closeness to them. Jasmine gets her personality from her mother. Her mother who is also named Jasmine, was responsible for her current mannerisms. Her mother early in her career helped Uncle Zeke out of a tough jamn when they were young. It messed up some of their neurons. Because of that, her mother adopted a Vulcan-like approach to life, and to keep her emotions in check. Without those mental boundaries her mother would spiral out of control.

Jasmine has always had a hard time expressing her feelings. She feared if she did, her mother would spiral out of control. When she was young, she once caused her mom to loose stability. But she was able to get through it, with the help of a Vulcan mind meld. From that day on, Jasmine has really practiced restraining her emotional outbursts.

The Academy Days:

2420-2421 ~ Freshman Year

Jasmine attended Starfleet Academy the Summer of 2420. For the first semester she was so caught up in her work and classes, she spent the majority of her time practicing for her final exam. She wanted to get it right. Jasmine was very competitive, even if she did not verbally express it. For the first semester, she really focused on her studies, but would make time to play sports, mainly to stay in shape and to prove she belonged.

Early into her second semester at the academy, she finally reacquainted herself with her fellow classmates. For the first semester she kept most of them at an arms length. She struggled to make friends, outside of the Vulcan population at the academy. She could relate more to them. Most of her human counter parts, found her to be a little weird.

Jasmine was not rude, just anti social. She was polite to all, and that was enough to keep her off anyone’s radar. But she did not really express to much emotion if any at all. Her teachers, use to tell her to open up and let the others see who she was. Jasmine took in a different context. She understood it mean, prove you belong here. Do better. She continued to push herself hard.

2421-2422 ~ Sophomore Year

Jasmine started off her second year, just as dedicated as she did her first year. She really focused on her studies. She tended to avoid the social circles and inner politics of the Academy. She could not understand why some people that they were the popular kids? They were all the same, cadets trying to earn their Starfleet Comission.

Jasmine met Jessica Reinhardt at the academy. They were sort of friends. Or so Jasmine assumed. Since they were always assigned as partners during classes. Jasmine did not see, or comprehend that Jessica barely tolerated her. She hated the fact that Jasmine repressed her emotions. She assumed that Jasmine was just envious of the Vulcans, and turned her back on humanity.

Jasmine learned by the end of the year, that Jessica did not like her. And this really hurt her feelings. After this encounter, she made it a purpose to put up more mental barriers, to prevent people from becoming to close to her. She took the confusion of being lab partners for friendship. After that incident, she decided she would not make that mistake once again. She would make people come to her, if they wanted to be friends.

2422-2423 ~ Junior Year

Jasmine was not sure what to think about the academy her junior year. Everywhere she turned it appeared that her classmates were all hooking up with one another. Most of the hook ups ended badly.

Jasmine wondered what it would be like to have a boyfriend. Sadly she did not find any that were attracted to her, or if they were she felt they were turned off by her sterile personality. She was well aware, she had a sterile type of personality.

Jasmine continued to focus on her studies. While everyone else including the Vulcan’s appeared to be hooking up, she was focusing on her studies. She really wanted to get first in the class. She felt that she had a good shot at it, since she was not distracted by the all the boys that attended the academy. She figured once she got into Starfleet and assigned a ship, she would have time to find a potential partner. No reason to rush the process.

2423-2424 ~ Senior Year

Jasmine really focused hard, her senior year. At first she was a little jealous of the attention the other girls were getting. While they struggled to stay on the top of the class rankings. She continued to maintain her spot as number 3. However, all of that changed during her senior year. She managed to get #1 and stayed there all through the academic year.

Jasmine graduated top of her class, and took Valedictorian for graduating class. This deeply scared her, she was not good at social circles, and public speaking. It’s why she went into security in the first place. She knew there was very little talking in regards to the public. She had a fear, she knew she had to get over by June 2424.

Jasmine’s hard work and studies managed to get her top of the class, now that she was here. She was not sure what to do? A few different starship’s were seeking her to join them. A couple of smaller escort vessels even offered her the role of Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer.

Jasmine felt that she was not ready to be a department head, straight out of the academy. She still had time to figure out where she wanted to be assigned. The perk of being top in you're class, you get to narrow down your assignment in Starfleet.

Starfleet Career:

USS Livingstone:

Lieutenant Junior Grade Jasmine Haynes completed the academy and earned her Starfleet commission. Jasmine was given several opportunities that she turned down. Most of the senior roles were for smaller starfleet vessels.

Jasmine wanted to serve on a Starfleet Cruiser or an exploration vessel, she noticed that the USS Livingstone was being recrewed after a long refit. She thought this would be a good way to join. No one knew each other, no clicks to be formed. She would have an equal footing.

Jasmine started off her career as a Security Officer on the Graveyard shift. It was an okay quiet assignment. After a year, Jasmine applied for a transfer to the Beta shift, however she was moved to Alpha Shift, and asked to assist the chief when he was on away mission with bridge cooperation duty.

By 2426, Jasmine was offered a promotion to Assistant Chief of Security and Assistant Chief Tactical Officer. Which moved her into the Beta shift. Jasmine really did not mind too much. During this time a young Lieutenant John Warren joined the USS Livingstone. She was the Assistant Chief Engineer.

It was clear to everyone, and it was clear to Jasmine that John really liked Jasmine. She was not sure why. She assumed it had to do with her looks. She tried to keep him at arms length, however he was patient and very presistent.

By 2427, Jasmine had started to date John. She had no idea what to expect or to anticipate. Luckily John was a good man, and did not try to pressure her or force her into any physical encounters.

Jasmine balanced her personal life with her work life. She found herself wanting to spend every moment with John. She did not want to smother him, so she forced herself to create a schedule, and studied about how to have a healthy relationship.

USS Cassiopeia:

Jasmine’s career started to get on the right track, and after serving two years as Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical for two years on the USS Livingstone, she was offered a promotion to Chief of Security/Tactical aboard the USS Cassiopeia. Jasmine was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant.

For a while everything seemed right with the world, her and John were doing great. He was now a Chief Engineer, and she was Chief of Security and Chief Tactical Officer.

John really helped her open up to the other senior officers on the Cassiopeia. So part of her felt guilty when she left them in 2429. Jasmine served on the USS Cassiopeia for most of 2428 through 2429, until the ship was sent into repairs, where at that time she was transferred to Starfleet One. Jasmine debated about taking some shore leave, after the attack that crippled the Cassiopeia and sent her boyfriend into a life threatening coma.

Jasmine was devastated that she lost John. She felt so lost and confused. She started to wonder if she was curse. Jasmine knew the only way to heal, was to accept transfer. Staying on the station and waiting for the Cassiopeia to be repaired, would never give her closure, or to allow her to move on. She did not want to leave John behind, but it was clear she had no choice. His family also wanted to take over care of John.

When Jasmine made her mind leave the Cassiopeia, she knew it meant starting over again. Which only strengthened the fact, that she felt like she must be cursed when it came to relationships. And crew assignments.

Jasmine hoped John would pull through, and want to rejoin her on the USS Enterprise. She hoped that Starfleet would assign them together again. However the doctors told her, his chances of waking up were marginal. She had no idea, if he was going to wake up from his coma, or come back to her. Jasmine felt that she had no choice, but to move on with her life. She did the best she could to move on. She started by looking for a transfer, and setting up an appoint to talk to Captain T’San.

With John in long term care, and no signs of getting better Jasmine follows his last request, and applies for reassignment. She hates the fact that she is moving on, but knows this is good for her career. She wants to be able to prove to herself, and to John, she can move on. She knows she needs to move on.

Jasmine applied for the Chief of Security/Tactical Officer position on the USS Enterprise aka Starfleet One, she did not expect to get the position. She was surprised that Starfleet Command offered the position to her 2429. Jasmine was a little hesitant to take the role, because of her relationship to John and her loyalty to the crew of the USS Cassiopeia, but the ship is badly damaged. And it will be a while before she is ready to fly again. Captain T’San advised her to seek a new assignment. Her Captain, believed serving on Starfleet One was a great honor. And this was a once in a lifetime opportunity.

USS Enterprise/Starfleet One:

Jasmine was hesitant to take the promotion at first. She felt that she should be with the crew of the USS Cassiopeia. Jasmine transferred over to the flagship to the president of the Federation of Planets.

There was a lot of commotion and excitement going on. She felt very overwhelmed, and constantly stressed from the duties of being a Chief of Security for the Enterprise, and for the President she felt like she was pulling double duty.

Jasmine was promoted to the rank of Lieutenant Commander. Her promotion did not reduce the stress if anything, she felt more obligated. This was not the only stress she had to contend with. Her Assistant Chief of Security and Assistant Chief Tactical Officer was trying to constantly hit on her. She was still trying to mourn the fact that her boyfriend John was in a comma on a hospital bed. And her comes Patton coming out swinging hard, it was clear to her that he was trying to get down her pants. Jasmine perceived him as a very aggressive personality and was turned off by his approach.

Jasmine continued to struggle with her new role. Unlike the USS Cassiopeia, her position on the USS Enterprise was no cake walk. During this transition piece she managed to get the eyes of President Gruzzy, he offered Jasmine the deal of a lifetime.

Political Career:

Chief of Staff to the President:

Jasmine was offered the position of Chief of Staff to President Gruzzy in 2430. This role was completely overwhelming. However she learned how to adjust to the new role, and found it more relaxing and not as stressful.

It took Jasmine a while to see if herself as an equal to an Admiral. It was strange at first for her to hear an Admiral call her Ma’am. Typically she would have been calling them Ma’am or sir.

After settling into her role, she met and started to take an interest in Captain Ryan Walsh. She was grateful she was no longer in Starfleet. They would have not been able to fratenize, if she was. Jasmine started to see Captain Walsh on a regular basis. At first it was difficult. She kept feeling like she was betraying Lieutenant John Warren. Eventually she was able to move on, and she started to date Ryan in 2431.

Personal Relationships: Jasmine’s Partners present and past!

Relationship with John Warren:

Jasmine met John on the USS Livingstone, in 2426. The two hit it off instantly. They went on a series of dates, one of the most memorable first dates for Jasmine, was the car ride in the holodeck. Taking a stroll on the country roads. She remembered how she felt that she could be just herself, and how there was more to John than a few well rehearsed pick up lines.

The two dated for nearly a year, before moving in, which was a big step for them. At first, there was a little quarrel over, what stuff to keep. And how to make the quarters feel like them, and not his or hers only. After this minor hiccup was resolved, they went back into their perfect little euphoria of love and romance.

A couple of months later, the couple’s euphoria was wearing off. And John and Jasmine needed to discover, did they have what it takes to keep the relationship going? Did they have more than a physical connection? The answer was yes, they did.

After battling through the transition of being a real couple they discovered they loved each other, and everything seemed perfect. John even opened to Jasmine about his former love, and how it was hard for him to rebuild his life without the Harkeia Jedra in his life. They went through the grieving process together. Every step of the way, Jasmine was supportive.

Then John’s promotion went through, he was going to be transferred to the USS Cassiopeia. Jasmine did not like the idea of a long distance relationship. She made a big career change, and left with John. Which worked out in her favor. The USS Cassiopeia needed a new Chief of Security/Tactical Officer.

Jasmine applied for the Chief of Security/Tactical Officer position. She was given the promotion by Captain T’San. Life seemed to be going well for John and Jasmine. Then out of the blue Kiri Jedra came aboard the USS Cassiopeia. John believed that Harkeia Jedra was killed in action. He was upset to learn that the host lived, and Starfleet did not tell him.

John and Jasmine started to go through another struggle. John was trying to work out his feelings over this sudden revelation, when the USS Cassiopeia was pulled into a Vortex that badly crippled the ship, and left John in a coma. Jasmine felt obligated to continue on with Starfleet. John once told her, if anything bad happened to him, to move on. Do not put her life on hold, and recited how important Starfleet’s mission was, and how this was their time to live life to the fullest. Fearing that John would never wake up again. She accepted Starfleet’s offer to offer her a new assignment.

Relationship with Ryan Walsh:

Personal Relationships: Jasmine’s Friendships or co-workers

Relationship with President Gruzzy:

Title: The Memorial
Jasmine joined the crew of the USS Enterprise aka Starfleet one while they were on were attending a memorial with the President of the Federation. Her first mission is to protect the president. She had it impossible for anyone to get close to the president during this mission. She was on high alert.

Relationship with Patton O’Sullivan:

Title: Visiting Hours

2429-12-02, 13:55 Jasmine made it the sickbay, duties called. She was very concerned for the safety. The Admiral, Jasmine and Captain Bishop were practicing with the holodeck safeties offline. She felt bad that she was not injured but the admiral was. She had a lot of close calls, fate happened to be on her side. She knew she could not always count on fate to get her through those events.

While the Admiral was getting healed, the admiral was being informed by his team that the away team discovered five people in the small craft, that Jasmine happened to be a part of the away team. Her role as chief of security, often made her join those type of missions.

Jasmine wanted to have a conversation with Patton about the mission the admiral had laid out for them. They would be babysitting the five visitors.

Title: Everyone needs a friend
2429-12-02, 14:00 Jasmine was ordered to meet up with Patton O'Sullivan. She asked for him to meet in her office. Patton headed over to her office, after completing his meeting with Admiral Targaryen.

Jasmine was recovering from the night before. She remembered talking to the bartender the night before, which brought back memories of John. It was a painful night to go through. She coped by consuming some alcohol.

Patton sounded really confident and a bit arrogrant to Jasmine, when he told her that he was her new Hazard Commander and her assistant.

Jasmine was surprised that the admiral filled the role, then she wondered why the admiral chose him for the role. He asked her, if the admiral did not tell her that he was taking the role. She did not express any emotion.

Jasmine tells him, that they have been preoccupied. Suggesting to him, that no she did not know. She did not think anything of it, but clearly he did. He noticed that Jasmine was all business. She talks about the new president and the incident with the govenor. Patton suggests that he understands.

Patton asks her if she wants him to schedule anything. Jasmine tells him to run his department as he sees fit. He notices this is going to be a business partnership only. Jasmine tells him that he can call her Jasmine, and he said she can call him Patton.

He told her that he use to go by Paddy, she thought that was a cool name. He said that she could call him Paddy. He tells that its part of life. That comment triggered a defense mechnism in Jasmine. She suggested to him that life was a bitch.

She started to think of John. She asked Patton why does a person have to hit rock bottom to learn from something. She felt that she was being forced to learn a lesson she did not want to learn.

Patton asked her how else do people learn, she tells him by the mistakes of others. Patton suggests that she has already learned. He asked her, how they could work through this. Jasmine shot him down, saying there was no "we." She tells them they are working colleagues only. Her heart only urns for John.

Patton suggests to her that they just met, and he was thinking about coffee now and then with some conversation. Jasmine realized that she was being defensive. She asks him, isn't that why they have staff meetings. For the reason he was bringing up.

Patton suggests he wants to be friends with her. He suggests that he is not good at explaining himself, when he sees that she is confused and defensive. Jasmine relunctantly agrees to coffee only. He tries to set up a time, she asks if he is unpacked and ready to go?

Patton tells her that he packs light, suggesting he is ready to go. He tells her that lost everything. Jasmine suggests that he will be stopping by the next port to get some mor stuff. He suggests help, and she tells him he will figure it out.

Jasmine asks him what he does on his free time. He tells her that he is not a big party type of guy. She was suprised by this answer. Jasmine was confused, and asked him if he was really irish. He did not like to party. She accused him of sounding like an olde man. He tells her not that old. He suggest he is wise, she tells him she will judge that.

Title: What to say
2429-12-02, 14:10 Jasmine walked out of the medical facility to see Commander Patton O' Sullivan waiting for her. She told him to walk with her. The were heading to the security office. She want to talk about why she was sickbay out in the open.

In the route to the security office, Jasmine makes small talk with Patton. Telling him that she thinks the sickbay was impressive, and she felt that she was not meant to be the chief of security. Patton tried to tell that she had a good rep, and she accused him of trying to patronize to her. She did not like that.

When they get to the office, she tells them they have a babysitting assignment. And despite the Enterprise being a secure vessels, they needed to think of exploits or potential security risks. She was not going to risk the president's safety.

Title: After Hours
2429-12-02, 21:00 Jasmine reluntantly agrees to go to a ship wide party event in the main arboretum area of the USS Enterprise. She meets up with Admiral Willam Targaryen and Lieutenant Commander Patton O'Sullivan. The admiral credits them both for being early.

Jasmine explains she likes to be to parties to make sure she can find a table, and have a place to sit down. After they get settled, Jasmine is being pressured by Patton to drink. She accusses him of trying to get her drunk, she hides it by trying to flirt with him. Seeing this is probably how he wants her to act.

Jasmine does agree to have a few drinks. Sadly for Patton, she keeps him at an arms length. Jasmine and Patton are then joined by Captain Nathan Bishop. He does not really want to be there as well, Jasmine knows how he feels.

Nathan like Jasmine, recently loss someone as well. Jasmine at this stage, was thinking that John would never wake up again.

Jasmine earlier in the night teased Patton saying that a security officer is never off duty. Then he decided to mock her at the party, and she told him that he needed to let it go. She told him to drink, and he gave in. She asked him, was it really that hard.

He told her no it was not. He tried to tell her that it was okay to have friends. Jasmine kept rejecting his attempts at flirting with him. She knew what he wanted, and friendship was not it.

Jasmine tried to force herself to kiss him, but she could not and this only confused Patton. She could not see herself with a man that did not embrace his irish culture, and try to be someone he was not. She decided to leave the party. She needed to clear her mind.

Title: Just a kiss
2429-12-02, 22:00 Jasmine had a smile on her face, which was a rare sight for her. Typically she refrained from smiling or showing emotions. She was teasing him, saying that he was chasing the girl. And she was referring to him chasing after her.

Jasmine asked, if she was some sort of game to him, a prize. She was teasing him. She was really not interested in him, but she was trying to be nice. She felt that she was playing some sort of game. And she was role playing a character.

Jasmine invited him over to her place, and gave him a coke-a-cola soda. Jasmine tells him that she is very content being in her little bubble, avoiding all the flirting. She was not really fond of the flirting. She did not like all the flirting he was trying. She was still not over John.

Jasmine was not really fond of his approach, and Jasmine relunctantly agreed to go on a date with him. They agree to have breakfast. After she agrees, they call it a night. Jasmine kissed him on the cheek. She felt more obligated to give him a kiss.

Title: Doppelgänger
2429-12-03, 11:47 Jasmine was on the bridge of Starfleet One aka the USS Enterprise. When she noticed Admiral William Targaryen walk onto the bridge. William asks if anyone has thoughts before they meet a new race. Jasmine chimes in saying she hopes they have some small trinkets for her to collect.

Others chimed in saying what they wanted. One wanted some adventure. Another wanted to know how similiar they were compared to another race. Patton wanted know if they had any antique weapons.

Jasmine wanted to go down to the planet, she volunteered to join Captain Bishop's team. The admiral admired her eagerness to join the away team. He was not ready for them to choose away teams, just yet.

As soon as they arrived the Admiral asked for the Atlantean Commander to report to the bridge. It was now go time. Captain Bishop volunteered to pick her up, the Admiral made Patton go with him. Jasmine was relieved, she did not talk to Patton. She had avoided him since the almost kiss.

Jasmine scanned the area at the admiral's request, there was nothing unsual going on in the area. She was grateful for the moment of down time.

The bridge crew scan the ocean, and discover a floating city. Everyone to include Jasmine wonders how this can be. The Admiral smiles as he says. "Atlantis." It appeared they found the lost city of Atlantis.

The Admiral was invited to beam down and join the leader for dinner. This allosed the Admiral to make up two teams to beam down to the surface. One team would be lead by Captain Nathan Bishop. The other to be lead by Jasmine.

Jasmine waisted very little time heading down to the planet. She was eager to get her team down to the planet's surface. She headed for the turbolift.

Jasmine noticed that the Admiral watched both away teams leave, it was not dinner time just yet.

Title: Juggernaut
2429-12-03, 20:15 Admiral Targaryen and the rest of the away team made their way back onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One. At the same time a Preserver Dreadnought appeared in the system. The dreadnought was smaller than the USS Enterprise. Admiral Targaryen was not taking any chances. He knew how missleading size could be.

Admiral Targaryen was advised that the dreadnought shields were down. This surprised him and of course it surprised Jasmine. Then she thought about, no one had taken any aggressive actions. So why should their shields be up. She assumed this was a posturing move. The dreadfnought had just decloaked, there was no power signatures, no life signs. The ship appeared to be adrift.

Sherwin Porter went to the bridge with the rest of the away team. He was furious, they were going to assinate Commander Viol, for a mechincal issue that was not even her fault.

Admiral Targaryen ordered Commander Snow to start an indepth scan of the ship, then he told the helm to start pulling away slowly. Not to draw suspicion. He asked for Commander Randall to report to the bridge.

T'Lisha was surprised, she accidently swore on the bridge. She took her seat, and started to move the USS Enterprise away from the area. As they started to back away, the Admiral ordered Bishop, Haynes, Snow, Hannah, Rrawran and Randall to head over to the Preserver ship. The admiral had suggested that they all wear tactical eva suits. He mentioned the ship had mutagenic patheogen that was harmful.

Jasmine and the rest of the away team beam over to the preserver dreadnought. They are wearing their tactical eva suits. Nathan was distracted, he was thinking of the fact that Commander Viol was giving him a tour of the gardens earlier, and now they were going to excute her.

Jasmine was very skeptical. Why was the life support online for a dirlect ship. She feared this was a trap. She was mentally preparing herself for the trap to be set. Jasmine thought Zeph's answer to why the ship life support was powered on, was a bit odd. But she tried to accept it.

T'Lisha was overwhelmed, as she collasped on the floor. She mentioned that she heard voices in her head prior to passing out.

Title: Whats Wrong With People
2429-12-03, 22:00 Jasmine meets up with Patton O'Sullivan her Assistant Chief of Security. This was the first time they met since the near kiss incident. Patton told her it must be fate, they were both having lunch at the same time. She knew, that he knew her schedule.

She liked the attention from him, but she did not want to sit with him. She felt that uncomfortable. She asked him why he was so cheerful. If he said, because of her, she threatened to smack him. He told her because they won the day. And that he eated alone. She was happy she was there.

Jasmine did not share his sentiment. She asked him, how was this a victory. How could anyone see this moment as a victory? Patton asked, what she was talking about. Clearly they were not on the same page. Jasmine tells him that the scientist they were working with, is going to be executed.

Patton says they need to do something about it. Jasmine points out to him, that the prime directive is clear. They can not interfere. Patton says its wrong, and the Commander Viol is one of them. Patton suggested to Jasmine he hated the rules. He wanted to save Viol's life. Jasmine reminded him, that he took an oath to protect the rules they are govern by and he better adapt quickly.

Jasmine thought to herself, she could really use a beer. Dealing with Patton was stressing her out. Patton reassures her that he will enforce policy, even if he does not like it. Jasmine wants to believe him, but she does not. Patton chooses this moment to ask her for a date. She informs him that she has a boyfriend. She was tired of over aggressive personality.

She thought it was sweet that he said he cared for her, but she quickly realized he only had one goal and she was pretty vulnerable to influence. She had to keep her guard up. He tries to tell her, that she is worth waiting for. She tells him, he will have to wait a long long time.

Sleepy Briefings
2429-12-03, 21:15 Jasmine and the rest of the bridge senior staff were working late tonight. Jasmine reported to Admiral Targaryen, that they were ready to proceed. Admiral Targaryen told his crew that Starfleet Command wants to preserve the Juggernaunt. And naturally Patton wanted to blow it up. Jasmine was less than pleased with his response.

The Admiral and the senior staff agreed they needed to get Galatea back from the Preserver Juggernaunt. Despite Patton wanting to blow it up, Captain Bishop, Commander Randall, Commander Porter, Commander Hawkins, Commander Snow, Commander Kaldiran, Petty Officer Hannah, and Commander Bishara.

the plan was set in motion. Captain Bishop would lead another team, their objective was to get Galatea back. The scene ends with them planning on retrieving her at 2300 hours.

Relationship with Nathan Bishop:

Title: Away Mission
2429-12-02, 13:35 Jasmine was joined by Nathan Bishop and Carla Green. Everyone beamed over to the ship. Jasmine made a comment about how horrid the smell on the ship was. At first she wondered if someone died on the ship. Nathan teased Jasmine that she had a talent for stating the understatement. She was a little detail oriented and often pointed out the obcvious.

They started to scan the ship, it was a contridiction. The ship used anolog and digital compoentents. The ship was clearly 21st century level of technology. Jasmine wondered what the mirror universe was. Nathan made a vague comment about the ship possibly being from another universe. It was clear to Jasmine, that he knew something she did not. She felt un prepared for the mission.

Mission Commander Voil of the small craft met the away team, and Jasmine asked if she and her team were alright. Voil told Jasmine they were not alright, then went on to explain. That there was an accident with their FTL drive they had been testing.

The Commander realized these were not hear people, and she wanted to know who they were. Carla was able to redirect her inquiry and ask about helping her get the FTL back up and running.

Nathan messaged Starfleet One and reported that they had made contact with the Atlantean Exploration Force. The Mission Commander wondered how they could repair their engine, without knowing the specs. She did not realize that they were more advance as a society.

Nathan and the team learn the ship is called the Atlantis. Nathan had everyone beam over to Starfleet One.

Title: After Hours
2429-12-02, 21:00 Jasmine had a small encounter with Captain Nathan Bishop. She could easily relate to him. She had recently loss someone as well. Jasmine at this stage, was thinking that John would never wake up again. Jasmine knew that his wife recently passed away.

Title: Doppelgänger
2429-12-03, 11:47 Jasmine was on the bridge of Starfleet One aka the USS Enterprise. When she noticed Admiral William Targaryen walk onto the bridge. William asks if anyone has thoughts before they meet a new race. Jasmine chimes in saying she hopes they have some small trinkets for her to collect.

Others chimed in saying what they wanted. One wanted some adventure. Another wanted to know how similiar they were compared to another race. Patton wanted know if they had any antique weapons.

Jasmine wanted to go down to the planet, she volunteered to join Captain Bishop's team. The admiral admired her eagerness to join the away team. He was not ready for them to choose away teams, just yet.

As soon as they arrived the Admiral asked for the Atlantean Commander to report to the bridge. It was now go time. Captain Bishop volunteered to pick her up, the Admiral made Patton go with him. Jasmine was relieved, she did not talk to Patton. She had avoided him since the almost kiss.

Jasmine scanned the area at the admiral's request, there was nothing unsual going on in the area. She was grateful for the moment of down time.

The bridge crew scan the ocean, and discover a floating city. Everyone to include Jasmine wonders how this can be. The Admiral smiles as he says. "Atlantis." It appeared they found the lost city of Atlantis.

The Admiral was invited to beam down and join the leader for dinner. This allosed the Admiral to make up two teams to beam down to the surface. One team would be lead by Captain Nathan Bishop. The other to be lead by Jasmine.

Jasmine waisted very little time heading down to the planet. She was eager to get her team down to the planet's surface. She headed for the turbolift.

Jasmine noticed that the Admiral watched both away teams leave, it was not dinner time just yet.

Title: Juggernaut
2429-12-03, 20:15 Admiral Targaryen and the rest of the away team made their way back onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One. At the same time a Preserver Dreadnought appeared in the system. The dreadnought was smaller than the USS Enterprise. Admiral Targaryen was not taking any chances. He knew how missleading size could be.

Admiral Targaryen was advised that the dreadnought shields were down. This surprised him and of course it surprised Jasmine. Then she thought about, no one had taken any aggressive actions. So why should their shields be up. She assumed this was a posturing move. The dreadfnought had just decloaked, there was no power signatures, no life signs. The ship appeared to be adrift.

Sherwin Porter went to the bridge with the rest of the away team. He was furious, they were going to assinate Commander Viol, for a mechincal issue that was not even her fault.

Admiral Targaryen ordered Commander Snow to start an indepth scan of the ship, then he told the helm to start pulling away slowly. Not to draw suspicion. He asked for Commander Randall to report to the bridge.

T'Lisha was surprised, she accidently swore on the bridge. She took her seat, and started to move the USS Enterprise away from the area. As they started to back away, the Admiral ordered Bishop, Haynes, Snow, Hannah, Rrawran and Randall to head over to the Preserver ship. The admiral had suggested that they all wear tactical eva suits. He mentioned the ship had mutagenic patheogen that was harmful.

Jasmine and the rest of the away team beam over to the preserver dreadnought. They are wearing their tactical eva suits. Nathan was distracted, he was thinking of the fact that Commander Viol was giving him a tour of the gardens earlier, and now they were going to excute her.

Jasmine was very skeptical. Why was the life support online for a dirlect ship. She feared this was a trap. She was mentally preparing herself for the trap to be set. Jasmine thought Zeph's answer to why the ship life support was powered on, was a bit odd. But she tried to accept it.

T'Lisha was overwhelmed, as she collasped on the floor. She mentioned that she heard voices in her head prior to passing out.

Title: A Living Machine
2429-12-03, 20:30 hrs Jasmine was on the direlect preserver dreadnought with the rest of the away team. She had a type III phaser rifle in her hand. The admiral had requested she go in fully armed. When they beamed over, it was noticed by all that the ship was organic. The ship appeared to be grown, and not built.

Jasmine pulled out her tricorder. She was looking for life signs, and other potential issues. Jasmine discovered where the bridge was located. She was getting a lot of feedback on her scans.

Randall theorized that maybe the Altereans were using the USS Enterprise to get rid of the preserver dreadnought. Something did not seem right here. This did not make sense to Jasmine, why would the preservers want to stop the Altereans. It was strange that the Altereans have to travel a good distance away from the planet to test flight their new ship. The Preservers are peaceful, from what Jasmine knew. Wheren't they suppose to be guardians of galaxy.

Rrawran basically told her and the rest of the group, what Jasmine already expected. It was a theory. Not a bad theory. At the moment, there was no way to prove it. The group starts to theorize that the Alterans do not want the ship in their sector of space. If this is the case, they can salvage the ship. They all agree they can not salvage the ship if the Preservers are in statsis.

Lieutenant Commander Snow asks if the range on Jasmine tricorder has been extended. They all want to find the preservers. Jasmine was able to track the pods on the tricorder she could not scan them. They would have to get closer to the pods. For the moment though, they needed to get to the bridge.

Rrawran joked that if he died, can they burry him with a tombstone that said "Whatever it is, if they get rowdy, we can handle it." Nathan tells him and the others that no one is going to die on this mission. Hannah nodded in agreement and in support of his words. Rrawran thought the bridge looked homley.

Randall agreed, and they started to explore the bridge. Ash suggested to Jasmine and to Nathan that Jasmine have her phaser rifle on maximum stun. She agreed. They walked in and noticed a deceased being in the room. They wondered how long the being had been deceased.

Galatea the AI from the USS Enterprise warned the crew they can not be in the room. Jasmine gets antsy asking for instructions. Nathan asks Galatea why they can not be in the room. The AI known as Galatea was telling them they were the front, they needed to leave. They were pawns, she was being very direct. Almost like she was being controlled.

Jasmine suggested a tactical retreat. Her main concern was the safety of their lives. Ash wondered if Galatea was actually part of the ship, or a manifestation from the ship to communicate. Galatea told them to leave, if they did not they would be judged. And the room went dark, Ash called out for Galatea, but she did not come.

Sleepy Briefings
2429-12-03, 21:15 Jasmine and the rest of the bridge senior staff were working late tonight. Jasmine reported to Admiral Targaryen, that they were ready to proceed. Admiral Targaryen told his crew that Starfleet Command wants to preserve the Juggernaunt. And naturally Patton wanted to blow it up. Jasmine was less than pleased with his response.

The Admiral and the senior staff agreed they needed to get Galatea back from the Preserver Juggernaunt. Despite Patton wanting to blow it up, Captain Bishop, Commander Randall, Commander Porter, Commander Hawkins, Commander Snow, Commander Kaldiran, Petty Officer Hannah, and Commander Bishara.

the plan was set in motion. Captain Bishop would lead another team, their objective was to get Galatea back. The scene ends with them planning on retrieving her at 2300 hours.

2429-12-03, 23:00 Jasmine was choosen to be on Captain Bishop's away team. She was not alone. She was joined by Commander Hawkins, Lieutenant Commander Snow and Petty Officer 2nd Class Hannah. There mission was simple, get Galatea back. That was easier said than done. And Jasmine knew it. She was grateful that Patton was on the Enterprise, and a little concerned. He was to trigger happy.

Galatea knew the crew would be coming back for her. Jasmine tried to reason with Galatea. Captain Bishop also tried to plead with Galatea to come back. He told her, that she was needed on Starfleet One aka USS Enterprise.

Galatea told the away team, she was going to finish what the preservers started, and they were not needed. And to return back to the Enterprise.

Galatea allows Hannah to scan her. She says that she is wear she belongs, and is not a servent like she is on the USS Enterprise. She is content remaining on the dreadnaunt. No one on the away team likes this answer. They fear what she can do.

Hannah engages with Galatea asking why Galatea believes the Federation is corrupt. And Galatea tells him, seven years ago Section 31 forced her to inflitrate the preserver dreadnaunt, and she warned them that Section 31 are agents of chaos. Not of order and justice.

Galatea rejects the away teams claim that not all of the Federation are agents of chaos. Galatea believes all federation members are corrupt and not innocent. Lily Snow pleads to Galatea saying her daughter, who was on the Enterprise was innocent.

Nathan Bishop asks why did she appoint herself judge? And mentions that she is also appointing herself as excutioner. He was trying to get her to see that she was corrupted as well. Hoping to reason with her.

It took a while, but the team was able to help free Galatea and complete their mission and were also able to download the files from the ship.

Relationship with Carla Green:

Title: Away Mission
2429-12-02, 13:35 Jasmine was joined by Nathan Bishop and Carla Green. Everyone beamed over to the ship. Jasmine made a comment about how horrid the smell on the ship was. At first she wondered if someone died on the ship.

Nathan teased Jasmine that she had a talent for stating the understatement. She was a little detail oriented and often pointed out the obcvious.

They started to scan the ship, it was a contridiction. The ship used anolog and digital compoentents. The ship was clearly 21st century level of technology. Jasmine wondered what the mirror universe was. Nathan made a vague comment about the ship possibly being from another universe. It was clear to Jasmine, that he knew something she did not. She felt un prepared for the mission.

Mission Commander Voil of the small craft met the away team, and Jasmine asked if she and her team were alright. Voil told Jasmine they were not alright, then went on to explain. That there was an accident with their FTL drive they had been testing.

The Commander realized these were not hear people, and she wanted to know who they were. Carla was able to redirect her inquiry and ask about helping her get the FTL back up and running.

Nathan messaged Starfleet One and reported that they had made contact with the Atlantean Exploration Force. The Mission Commander wondered how they could repair their engine, without knowing the specs. She did not realize that they were more advance as a society.

Nathan and the team learn the ship is called the Atlantis. Nathan had everyone beam over to Starfleet One.

Relationship with William Targaryen:

Title: The Great Escape
2429-12-02, 12:00 Jasmine was caught off guard, but she was ready and willing to take out the creature that threatened her position. She had her knife in hand and was ready to pounce. The creature charged at her and she was able to slide out of the way, and managed to cut the creature on the right forward leg. This caused the creature to cry out. Which pissed off the creature.

The admiral who was fighting by her side, had just finished off his creature. Feeling a sense of urgency when the creature went after her this time, she jumped over the creature, and made sure her blade went into the back of the kneck of the creature. She removed the knife and waited to see if Admiral William Targaryen was impressed .

Jasmine watched as Commander Nathan Hawkins took out his repitilian creature. After this round, they could hear more creatures coming their way. Jasmine suggested a withdraw, so they could get a better tactical position.

They fight to the marina. Once they got there, Jasmine got into a motorized rider and waited for the Admiral and Commander to board, so they could take off. They were being chased by the creatures, and Jasmine pushed the throttle to max.

Jasmine suggested to the admiral to have him go to sickbay to check out his wound. He declined, in return Jasmine thought he was a stubborn old man, with some serious issues with medical personal.She got him to agree to see the doctor. She teased him when he asked, where was the fun in going to the doctor. She said, she gets to keep her job.

Title: On the road again
2429-12-02, 11:30 Starfleet one sets course for the signal. Admiral Targaryen was not wasting time. He ordered he ship to use the Coaxial Drive online. Jasmine made sure tactical was ready to go.

Title: The Call
2429-12-02, 13:30 Jasmine reported that the small craft was damaged, and to bring it aboard the USS Enterprise. The Admiral wanted more information. The small craft was old. Everyone was trying to figure out where it came from. Jasmine was told to join the away team, they were going to explore the small craft to try to get some more answers.

Title: Visiting Hours
2429-12-02, 13:55 Jasmine made it the sickbay, duties called. She was very concerned for the safety. The Admiral, Jasmine and Captain Bishop were practicing with the holodeck safeties offline. She felt bad that she was not injured but the admiral was. She had a lot of close calls, fate happened to be on her side. She knew she could not always count on fate to get her through those events.

While the Admiral was getting healed, the admiral was being informed by his team that the away team discovered five people in the small craft, that Jasmine happened to be a part of the away team. Her role as chief of security, often made her join those type of missions.

Jasmine wanted to have a conversation with Patton about the mission the admiral had laid out for them. They would be babysitting the five visitors.

Title: Doppelgänger
2429-12-03, 11:47 Jasmine was on the bridge of Starfleet One aka the USS Enterprise. When she noticed Admiral William Targaryen walk onto the bridge. William asks if anyone has thoughts before they meet a new race. Jasmine chimes in saying she hopes they have some small trinkets for her to collect.

Others chimed in saying what they wanted. One wanted some adventure. Another wanted to know how similiar they were compared to another race. Patton wanted know if they had any antique weapons.

Jasmine wanted to go down to the planet, she volunteered to join Captain Bishop's team. The admiral admired her eagerness to join the away team. He was not ready for them to choose away teams, just yet.

As soon as they arrived the Admiral asked for the Atlantean Commander to report to the bridge. It was now go time. Captain Bishop volunteered to pick her up, the Admiral made Patton go with him. Jasmine was relieved, she did not talk to Patton. She had avoided him since the almost kiss.

Jasmine scanned the area at the admiral's request, there was nothing unsual going on in the area. She was grateful for the moment of down time.

The bridge crew scan the ocean, and discover a floating city. Everyone to include Jasmine wonders how this can be. The Admiral smiles as he says. "Atlantis." It appeared they found the lost city of Atlantis.

The Admiral was invited to beam down and join the leader for dinner. This allosed the Admiral to make up two teams to beam down to the surface. One team would be lead by Captain Nathan Bishop. The other to be lead by Jasmine.

Jasmine waisted very little time heading down to the planet. She was eager to get her team down to the planet's surface. She headed for the turbolift.

Jasmine noticed that the Admiral watched both away teams leave, it was not dinner time just yet.

Title: The State of Things to Come
2429-12-03, 19:00 Jasmine joined Admiral Willian Targaryen, Viol, Captain Nathan Bishop, Commander Sherwin Porter, Ambassador Daeren Iril & Secretary Jonathan Grayson of United Earth down at the state dinner on Atlantis.

Jasmine asked and was impressed with the fact, that the Admiral was always the first one to arrive. He grinned and said she looked Drapper in her uniform. She teased the uniform needed more color in it.

The admiral suggested to her that he typically likes to be fashionably late, but Jasmine points out to him, that he arrived first. They were still waiting on Ambassadors Ilril and Secretary Grayson, which the admiral called him an ambassador.

Doctor Porter came in late, saying he lost track of time, Jasmine asked if the samples were legit? The admiral was curious about the samples, but they were beaming off the USS Enterprise when he asked.

Everyone beamed down and were instantly greeted. The admiral made the introductions. Jasmine made a small comment how honored they all were earlier. She still felt a little tense from the merchant issue earlier on.

The team met and followed Atlantean Leader SubPrefect Sotlall to the main room. The Admiral asked if Atlantean Mission Leader Voil will join them. Sotlall assured the Admiral, she would be attending.

SubPrefect Sotlall introduced Prefect Daiarcall to the away team. Everyone ws on there best behavior. After a round of introductions from all, they went to sit down to eat.

Jasmine sat down, but then she went into security mode. It was her responsibility for the safety of the admiral, and the other members of the away team.

Prefect Daiarcall asked Admiral Targaryen if they were on Atlantean to conquer them. She referenced how well armed the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One was.

Admiral Targaryen had a bad feeling that things were going to esclate on the dinner. He even wondered if they were being poisioned. He warned his team to be ready.

Prefect Daiarcall came back in the room, and introduced the guest of honor, it was Commander Viol. The Commander stated she knew why she was there, but Admiral Targaryen did not know why she was there. Something did not seem right.

Subprefect Sotlall raised his voice, saying that the alien, referring to Admiral Targaryen, that he was no longer allowed to speak. Jasmine waited for a signal from the Admiral, before taken any action.

Prefect Daiarcall and Subprefect Sotlall were pubically making an example of Commander Voil. The away team got instantly defensive, and calling out the action. This was not appropriate.

Jasmine was surprised that Starfleet dignitaries and officers were violating the cultural customs. Saying what they were doing was wrong. It was wrong, but they had no right to intervene or object.

Prefect Daiarcall did not like the outburst from Captain Bishop and demanded that they leave. Admiral Targaryen asked for Commander Viol to join them, since she was a burden. Prefect Daiarcall told them no, she was to be put to death, per their laws.

Jasmine was furious as they beamed off the planet. When they got back on their ship, she asked the Admiral what there orders were going to be?

Commander Voil asked the crew not to help her, she agreed to be killed. They blamed her for a mechinical issue, that had nothing to do with her, or her leadership.

Title: Juggernaut
2429-12-03, 20:15 Admiral Targaryen and the rest of the away team made their way back onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One. At the same time a Preserver Dreadnought appeared in the system. The dreadnought was smaller than the USS Enterprise. Admiral Targaryen was not taking any chances. He knew how missleading size could be.

Admiral Targaryen was advised that the dreadnought shields were down. This surprised him and of course it surprised Jasmine. Then she thought about, no one had taken any aggressive actions. So why should their shields be up. She assumed this was a posturing move. The dreadfnought had just decloaked, there was no power signatures, no life signs. The ship appeared to be adrift.

Sherwin Porter went to the bridge with the rest of the away team. He was furious, they were going to assinate Commander Viol, for a mechincal issue that was not even her fault.

Admiral Targaryen ordered Commander Snow to start an indepth scan of the ship, then he told the helm to start pulling away slowly. Not to draw suspicion. He asked for Commander Randall to report to the bridge.

T'Lisha was surprised, she accidently swore on the bridge. She took her seat, and started to move the USS Enterprise away from the area. As they started to back away, the Admiral ordered Bishop, Haynes, Snow, Hannah, Rrawran and Randall to head over to the Preserver ship. The admiral had suggested that they all wear tactical eva suits. He mentioned the ship had mutagenic patheogen that was harmful.

Jasmine and the rest of the away team beam over to the preserver dreadnought. They are wearing their tactical eva suits. Nathan was distracted, he was thinking of the fact that Commander Viol was giving him a tour of the gardens earlier, and now they were going to excute her.

Jasmine was very skeptical. Why was the life support online for a dirlect ship. She feared this was a trap. She was mentally preparing herself for the trap to be set. Jasmine thought Zeph's answer to why the ship life support was powered on, was a bit odd. But she tried to accept it.

T'Lisha was overwhelmed, as she collasped on the floor. She mentioned that she heard voices in her head prior to passing out.

Sleepy Briefings
2429-12-03, 21:15 Jasmine and the rest of the bridge senior staff were working late tonight. Jasmine reported to Admiral Targaryen, that they were ready to proceed. Admiral Targaryen told his crew that Starfleet Command wants to preserve the Juggernaunt. And naturally Patton wanted to blow it up. Jasmine was less than pleased with his response.

The Admiral and the senior staff agreed they needed to get Galatea back from the Preserver Juggernaunt. Despite Patton wanting to blow it up, Captain Bishop, Commander Randall, Commander Porter, Commander Hawkins, Commander Snow, Commander Kaldiran, Petty Officer Hannah, and Commander Bishara.

the plan was set in motion. Captain Bishop would lead another team, their objective was to get Galatea back. The scene ends with them planning on retrieving her at 2300 hours.

Relationship with Nathan Hawkins:

Title: The Great Escape
2429-12-02, 12:00 Jasmine was caught off guard, but she was ready and willing to take out the creature that threatened her position. She had her knife in hand and was ready to pounce. The creature charged at her and she was able to slide out of the way, and managed to cut the creature on the right forward leg. This caused the creature to cry out. Which pissed off the creature.

The admiral who was fighting by her side, had just finished off his creature. Feeling a sense of urgency when the creature went after her this time, she jumped over the creature, and made sure her blade went into the back of the kneck of the creature. She removed the knife and waited to see if Admiral William Targaryen was impressed .

Jasmine watched as Commander Nathan Hawkins took out his repitilian creature. After this round, they could hear more creatures coming their way. Jasmine suggested a withdraw, so they could get a better tactical position.

They fight to the marina. Once they got there, Jasmine got into a motorized rider and waited for the Admiral and Commander to board, so they could take off. They were being chased by the creatures, and Jasmine pushed the throttle to max.

Jasmine suggested to the admiral to have him go to sickbay to check out his wound. He declined, in return Jasmine thought he was a stubborn old man, with some serious issues with medical personal.She got him to agree to see the doctor. She teased him when he asked, where was the fun in going to the doctor. She said, she gets to keep her job.

Sleepy Briefings
2429-12-03, 21:15 Jasmine and the rest of the bridge senior staff were working late tonight. Jasmine reported to Admiral Targaryen, that they were ready to proceed. Admiral Targaryen told his crew that Starfleet Command wants to preserve the Juggernaunt. And naturally Patton wanted to blow it up. Jasmine was less than pleased with his response.

The Admiral and the senior staff agreed they needed to get Galatea back from the Preserver Juggernaunt. Despite Patton wanting to blow it up, Captain Bishop, Commander Randall, Commander Porter, Commander Hawkins, Commander Snow, Commander Kaldiran, Petty Officer Hannah, and Commander Bishara.

the plan was set in motion. Captain Bishop would lead another team, their objective was to get Galatea back. The scene ends with them planning on retrieving her at 2300 hours.

2429-12-03, 23:00 Jasmine was choosen to be on Captain Bishop's away team. She was not alone. She was joined by Commander Hawkins, Lieutenant Commander Snow and Petty Officer 2nd Class Hannah. There mission was simple, get Galatea back. That was easier said than done. And Jasmine knew it. She was grateful that Patton was on the Enterprise, and a little concerned. He was to trigger happy.

Galatea knew the crew would be coming back for her. Jasmine tried to reason with Galatea. Captain Bishop also tried to plead with Galatea to come back. He told her, that she was needed on Starfleet One aka USS Enterprise.

Galatea told the away team, she was going to finish what the preservers started, and they were not needed. And to return back to the Enterprise.

Galatea allows Hannah to scan her. She says that she is wear she belongs, and is not a servent like she is on the USS Enterprise. She is content remaining on the dreadnaunt. No one on the away team likes this answer. They fear what she can do.

Hannah engages with Galatea asking why Galatea believes the Federation is corrupt. And Galatea tells him, seven years ago Section 31 forced her to inflitrate the preserver dreadnaunt, and she warned them that Section 31 are agents of chaos. Not of order and justice.

Galatea rejects the away teams claim that not all of the Federation are agents of chaos. Galatea believes all federation members are corrupt and not innocent. Lily Snow pleads to Galatea saying her daughter, who was on the Enterprise was innocent.

Nathan Bishop asks why did she appoint herself judge? And mentions that she is also appointing herself as excutioner. He was trying to get her to see that she was corrupted as well. Hoping to reason with her.

It took a while, but the team was able to help free Galatea and complete their mission and were also able to download the files from the ship.

Relationship with Jeyson Zarland:

Title: Tales by Starlight
2429-12-01, 00:00 Jasmine met up with Jeyson Zarland who was the lounge Manager of the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One. The two had an interesting conversation. Jasmine was enjoying a brandy, when Jeyson a Bolian told her she appeared to be sad. She was not hiding it well.

Jasmine just learned that she was replacing Lieutenant Commander Neri. Apparently the former chief of security who died on New Vulcan, was very good at his job. And she had big shoes to fill. Jasmine agreed that she did have some big shoes to fill.

Jeyson tried to convince Jasmine to go easy on the drinks, she noticed she was getting to much attention so she asked, him what was his story. She wanted to deflect some of the attention off of her. Not in a malicious, more of an anxious one. She hated being the center of attention. Which was ironic, since she was the new chief of security for Starfleet One and the USS Enterprise.

He tells her that he is a dreamer, and she can relate. She feels like one, they toast together. Jasmine thinks its very refreshing to have a bartender that is not trying to hit on her. He was a family man, and came from a large family.

Jeyson talks about how the crew appear to be all on edge, and Jasmine tells him that she is still to new to feel those affects, just yet. She points out that the Enterprise is all she has right now to look forward too. Which gets the attention of Jeyson. He wonders if she had a boyfriend. Something was not adding up. He feared a breakup.

Jasmine tells him that John her boyfriend, is in a comma. Was he still her boyfriend. She knew she needed to move on. But how she wondered. It was the reason she was in this bar, drinking brandy with Jeyson.

Jasmine asks him how long should a person wait, and he deflects the question back to her saying its really up to her. She has a lot to think about.

Relationship with Victoria Rigby:

Title: The Merchant
2429-12-03, 12:00 Jasmine beamed down to the city of Atlantis with Ilbis Ikun, Sherwin Porter, T’Lisha Bishara and Victoria Rigby. Jasmine was a little curious why the senior officer of the mission was not assigned to lead the mission, but yet they were on her team. For the moment she tried to shrug it off.

For the moment the away team headed to the market. Jasmine really wanted to find a small trinket to add to her quarters. She was trying to distract herself, from the harsh reality of personal life. Burrying herself in her work, gave her a sense of relief.

They noticed that the local merchants were focusing on them. The Doctor made a reference, maybe they were focusing on him for looking like a real life teenage mutant ninja turle. Jasmine was surprised that Doctor Ilkun was either a fan of the teenage mutant ninja turtles or new of them some how. Jasmine was a fan of the 21st century. She was surprsied to see the doctor make a reference to a 21st century telivision series.

The group headed over to the merchants, now that they got their attention. They met up with a fashion merchant. He claimed to have exceptional taste.

Jasmine noticed that the Sherwin had found some flora and other herbs. Jasmine asked the merchant, what they would want for the medical herbs.

The Merchant said they were priceless, Jasmine believed they could find something worth of value to trade. The Merchant wanted to see the stars, the way they did. If Jasmine could arrange that, he would give her the whole stock.

Jasmine suggested a tour could be arranged. It was clear that Ribgy, was not onaboard with giving the locals a tour. But she bit her lip for the time being.

They all started to hear some beatuiful music playing. The Doctor did not want to allow the merchant to be given a tour, so he decided to recind his interest. Which caused the merchant to get a little desperate.

Jasmine offers to take him to the ship, while the doctor conducts a few scans on the plants they have to trade. She does not want the deal to go sideways.

Jasmine noticed that her team was starting to become unsettled, and T'Lisha suggested flat out that they needed to leave. Jasmine agreed, as they got ready to leave. They left the planet, with the merchant.

Title: Juggernaut
2429-12-03, 20:15 Admiral Targaryen and the rest of the away team made their way back onto the bridge of the USS Enterprise/Starfleet One. At the same time a Preserver Dreadnought appeared in the system. The dreadnought was smaller than the USS Enterprise. Admiral Targaryen was not taking any chances. He knew how missleading size could be.

Admiral Targaryen was advised that the dreadnought shields were down. This surprised him and of course it surprised Jasmine. Then she thought about, no one had taken any aggressive actions. So why should their shields be up. She assumed this was a posturing move. The dreadfnought had just decloaked, there was no power signatures, no life signs. The ship appeared to be adrift.

Sherwin Porter went to the bridge with the rest of the away team. He was furious, they were going to assinate Commander Viol, for a mechincal issue that was not even her fault.

Admiral Targaryen ordered Commander Snow to start an indepth scan of the ship, then he told the helm to start pulling away slowly. Not to draw suspicion. He asked for Commander Randall to report to the bridge.

T'Lisha was surprised, she accidently swore on the bridge. She took her seat, and started to move the USS Enterprise away from the area. As they started to back away, the Admiral ordered Bishop, Haynes, Snow, Hannah, Rrawran and Randall to head over to the Preserver ship. The admiral had suggested that they all wear tactical eva suits. He mentioned the ship had mutagenic patheogen that was harmful.

Jasmine and the rest of the away team beam over to the preserver dreadnought. They are wearing their tactical eva suits. Nathan was distracted, he was thinking of the fact that Commander Viol was giving him a tour of the gardens earlier, and now they were going to excute her.

Jasmine was very skeptical. Why was the life support online for a dirlect ship. She feared this was a trap. She was mentally preparing herself for the trap to be set. Jasmine thought Zeph's answer
Service Record 2435 - Present

- Jasmine became President
- Jasmine made Secretary of State

2429 - 2434

- Jasmine resigned from Starfleet and went into politics.
- Chief of Security/Tactical, USS Enterprise/Starfleet One

2428 - 2429
- Chief of Security/Tactical, USS Cassiopeia

2426 - 2428
- Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade
- Assistant Chief of Security/Tactical, USS Livingstone

2424 - 2426
- Security Officer, USS Livingstone

2423 - 2424
- Granted rank of Ensign.
-Graduated Starfleet Academy
- 4rth Year Cadet, Starfleet Academy

2422- 2423
- Cadet 3rd Year, Starfleet Academy

2421 - 2422
- Cadet 2nd Year, Starfleet Academy

2420 - 2421
- Cadet 1st Year, Starfleet Academy